The Culmination: Part II
That’s right, [I said it][culmination-i]. Monads. The boogeyman of functional programming; the impenetrable concept; the arcane mathematical chimera that Haskell programmers swear by while the rest of the world rolls their eyes. I even said that it had something to do with the future of Swift—which of course I can’t possibly know since I don’t work for Apple, but which I decided to fear-monger with anyway.
The truth is, if you’ve come with me this far, you’re almost there with monads. There’s not that much more to them than >>=-
—it’s the foundational operation. The rest, what I’m going to cover in this post, is for support and guidance—it’s to make them nice and useful and friendly. It’s to make you like them. And to prove that to you, I’m going to start by solving (with Magical Future Swift) the problem of unwrapping multiple optionals.
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Birthday Beth has invited three...